Monday, October 26, 2009

Minister calls for inquiry into Army intervention

The Minister for Defence and National Security, Ratu Epeli Ganilau, has written to the RFMF calling for an investigation into alleged harassment, intimidation and assault of the cane farming community by the Army.
The National Farmers Union wrote to Ratu Epeli a week ago raising concerns at the increasing number of reports of intimidation, harassment and physical torture and brutalities against cane farmers and cane cutters by army personnel.
The NFU cited specific cases including the incident in Lautoka where a cane cutting gang was hauled over to the army barracks, two of whom were allegedly brutally assaulted while the rest, including elderly men, were made to run around the camp.
In his letter addressed to the RFMF Chief of Staff, Colonel Pita Driti, the Minister asked that the cases be investigated and action taken as necessary.
“Considering the seriousness of the issues…your assistance to investigate, take necessary action as appropriate and inform this office, will be greatly appreciated,” Ratu Epeli said.

Friday, October 2, 2009

No STATE subsidy for Kavanagasau cane farmers

The $20 per tonne subsidy for cane farmers in the Kavanagasau area who transport their cane by lorry to the Lautoka Mill, will come from sugar industry funds and not the State as (mis)reported in The Fiji Times today.
The statement by Ministry of Agriculture permanent secretary Mason Smith that the State will provide the $20 subsidy to farmers in the area, is not true.
The NFU is reliably informed that the total cost of the subsidy will be deducted from the proceeds of sugar as an industry cost before it is allocated to FSC and the growers. Cane growers will bear 70% of this cost.
The interim government must stop hoodwinking the people, and cane farmers in particular.
Furthermore, the subsidy is inadequate, because the total cartage cost to a farmer forced to take his cane to Lautoka Mill by lorry will be $35 per tonne.
As for government’s decision not to repair the broken bridge, this is unfortunate because if EU funding under the sugar industry reform programme had been available, this could have been used to repair the bridge as there was provision under it for infrastructure development.
The EU has suspended assistance to Fiji pending a return to democratic and constitutional rule.

Regime disallows Growers Council meeting

The regime has refused permission for a full Sugar Cane Growers Council to convene a meeting to discuss the dissolution of the Council.
The Council had written to the Sugar Ministry and the Commissioner Western on 10 September requesting permission to call a full Council meeting to discuss its dissolution ordered by the interim government.
Permanent Secretary Pramesh Chand replied on 23 September denying permission for the 38-member Council to meet.
This is yet another clear sign of oppression of cane growers and a denial of their right to meet to discuss issues of crucial importance to them.
The regime continues to stifle the voice of cane growers while it implements decisions that are jeopardising their future in the sugar industry. I

Raid on Sugar Cane Growers Fund

The National Farmers Union is extremely worried at what appears to be a raid on the Sugar Cane Growers Fund by the insolvent fertiliser company, the South Pacific Fertiliser Ltd (SPFL).
The cash-strapped SPFL which cannot obtain loans from a commercial bank, is using the Fund for its working capital.
There is now a very real threat of the Fund being exhausted and going bankrupt.
SPFL has already taken out $25 million from the Growers Fund of which $14 million is now lost through a government directive that it be converted into equity for the Fund. Such equity in an insolvent company is worthless.
The company is making no repayment for the remaining $11m it owes the Fund and continues to dip into the fund for more easy money.
Under authoritarian rule there is nothing the growers can do to stop this raid on their money. The Growers Council is soon to be dissolved and government decisions cannot be challenged in a Court of Law.
Meanwhile, in a media statement FSC chief executive Deo Saran wrongly takes credit for bringing forward the last cane payment this year as a Diwali payment to enable cane farming families to have money for the festivities.
The truth is that this was an initiative of the Sugar Cane Growers Council which had written to FSC requesting that the last cane payment be brought forward as a Diwali pay out.
Furthermore, the $3 a tonne bonus payment that Deo Saran is raving on about now was approved by Cabinet in 2008 when Mahendra Chaudhry was the Minister for Sugar. FSC can hardly take credit for this initiative.

Labour Leader meets with EU Director General

Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry met with Mr Roger Moore, EU’s Director General for Development in Suva this week.
Their hour long discussions focused on Fiji’s current political situation in relation to the commitments made by the Interim Government to the EU in the consultation talks held in April 2007 in Brussels; in particular, the regressive developments here post 10 April 2009 which have led to violations of human rights.
Mr Chaudhry also drew Mr Moore’s attention to the unsatisfactory situation in the sugar industry, in particular, the regime’s decision to marginalise cane growers through dissolution of key industry institutions on which the growers had a voice.

Another disastrous week for cane crush

The four sugar mills were down once again last week crushing only 89,000 tonnes of cane against a target of 130,000 tonnes. This is 45,000 tonnes short of the weekly crushing capacity of the four mills.
The Lautoka and Rarawai mills are already seven weeks behind in their season to date crush figures. Labasa mill is now four weeks behind, while Penang is on target because of a substantially reduced crop size this season - crop estimates were revised down from 220,000 tonnes to 170,000 tonnes.
Figures for tonnes of sugar manufactured are still not available as FSC and the Sugar Ministry are refusing to release these. However, it has been established that sugar make is extremely low on account of badly malfunctioning mills. The national TCTS average is reportedly a high of 15:1 ie. 15 tonnes of cane to a tonne of sugar which is almost twice the normal TCTS ratio of 8.5:1.
As a consequence of the high TCTS ratio, farmers are running losses totalling tens of million of dollars. Upto the date of the last sugar shipment which left the port of Lautoka late last week, farmers had delivered 1.1 million tonnes of cane which shold have manufactured 128,000 tonnes of sugar but FSC only managed 80,000 tonnes on account of the hopelessly low extraction rate of its mills.
This means FSC cheated the industry of 48,000 tonnes of sugar worth $53 million of which $37 million would have gone to the cane growers.
This can be converted to a $17.000 per tonne loss sustained by the grower up to the date of the last shipment (23 Sept), on an estimated crop of 2.2 million tonnes this season.
This is a colossal loss by any standards! And will compound to a much higher figure by the end of the season. It can now be clearly understood why the regime is dismantling sugar industry institutions where the growers had a voice and which could hold FSC and the regime to accountability and transparency with regard to milling operations.
The recent arbitrary and autocratic actions of the Sugar Ministry and the total collapse of corporate ethics in the FSC have put the future sustainability of the sugar industry on the line.